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Structure to hold user training data and keep track of dimensions

typedef struct DataSet_ {
    size_t rows;
    size_t cols;
    float** data;
} DataSet;
  • rows

    The number of rows in the dataset

  • cols

    The number of columns in the dataset

  • data

    The data held in the dataset, of the aforementioned dimensions


Structure to hold internal network data and keep track of dimensions

typedef struct Matrix_ {
    size_t rows;
    size_t cols;
    float* data;
} Matrix;
  • rows

    The number of rows in the matrix

  • cols

    The number of columns in the matrix

  • data

    The data held in the matrix, stored one-dimensionally in row-major order


Structure to represent a layer of a network and its data

typedef enum LAYER_TYPE_ {

typedef struct Layer_ {
    LAYER_TYPE type;
    size_t size;
    Activation activation;
    Matrix* input;
} Layer;
  • type

    The type of layer (INPUT, OUTPUT, or HIDDEN)

  • size

    The number of neurons in the layer

  • activation

    The activation function for the layer

  • input

    The data currently stored in the layer in the form of a row vector with one entry per neuron in the layer


Structure to represent a link between two adjacent layers, as well the respective weights and bias

typedef struct Connection_ {
    Layer* from;
    Layer* to;
    Matrix* weights;
    Matrix* bias;
} Connection;
  • from

    The layer on the input side of the connection

  • to

    The layer on the output side of the connection

  • weights

    The weights matrix between the "from" and "to" layers, of dimensions "from"->size by "to"->size

  • bias

    The bias vector of the "to" layer, as a row vector of "to"->size


Structure to represent a neural network, with its size, layers, and connections

typedef struct Network_ {
    size_t numLayers;
    Layer** layers;
    size_t numConnections;
    Connection** connections;
} Network;
  • numLayers

    The total number of layers in the network

  • layers

    The network's layers, in order

  • numConnections

    The total number of connections in the network

  • connections

    The network's connections, in order

Training Data Functions


Returns a pointer to a dataset of the given size and with the given data using the provided pointer

DataSet* createDataSet(size_t rows, size_t cols, float** data);
  • rows

    The number of rows in the dataset

  • cols

    The number of columns in the dataset

  • data

    The data, of the aforementioned dimensions, to be put into the dataset


Returns a dataset split into a given number of batches, individually represented as dataset pointers

DataSet** createBatches(DataSet* allData, int numBatches);
  • allData

    The overall dataset to be split

  • numBatches

    The number of batches to split the dataset into


Frees a dataset and its data

void destroyDataSet(DataSet* dataset);
  • dataset

    The dataset to be freed

Network Functions


Functions that are applied to the input of each neuron within a layer

typedef void (*Activation)(Matrix*);
  • sigmoid

    Applies sigmoid function to layer (for hidden layers)

  • relu

    Applies ReLU function to layer (for hidden layers)

  • tanH

    Applies tanh function to layer (for hidden layers)

  • softmax

    Applies softmax function to layer (for output layer with CROSS_ENTROPY_LOSS)

  • linear

    Applies linear function to layer (for output layer with MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR)


Returns a pointer to a matrix of the given size and with the given data using the provided pointer

Matrix* createMatrix(size_t rows, size_t cols, float* data);
  • rows

    The number of rows in the matrix

  • cols

    The number of columns in the matrix

  • data

    The data, of the aforementioned dimensions, to be put into the matrix


Frees a matrix and its data

void destroyMatrix(Matrix* matrix);
  • matrix

    The matrix to free


Returns a pointer to a network with the given dimensions and functions

Network* createNetwork(size_t numFeatures, size_t numHiddenLayers, size_t*
    hiddenSizes, Activation* hiddenActivations, size_t numOutputs,
    Activation outputActivation);
  • numFeatures

    The number of neurons in the input layer

  • numHiddenLayers

    The number of hidden layers in the network

  • hiddenSizes

    The sizes of the hidden layers, provided as a list of sizes in order

  • hiddenActivations

    The activation functions of the hidden layers, provided as a list of functions, in order

  • numOutputs

    The number of neurons in the output layer

  • outputActivation

    The activation function of the output layer (should be softmax for classification, and linear for regression)


Frees a network, its connections, and its layers

void destroyNetwork(Network* network);
  • network

    The network to free


Trains a neural network given training parameters

typedef enum LOSS_FUNCTION_ {

typedef struct ParameterSet_ {
    Network* network;
    DataSet* data;
    DataSet* classes;
    LOSS_FUNCTION lossFunction;
    size_t batchSize;
    float learningRate;
    float searchTime;
    float regularizationStrength;
    float momentumFactor;
    int maxIters;
    int shuffle;
    int verbose;
} ParameterSet;
  • network

    The network to optimize

  • data

    The training data to train the network with

  • classes

    The target values for the training data

  • lossFunction

    The loss function to use when training, should be CROSS_ENTROPY_LOSS for classification and MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR for regression

  • batchSize

    The size of each batch (provide 1 for SGD, and data->rows for Batch)

  • learningRate

    The constant factor for initial learning rate

  • searchTime

    The parameter for "search-then-converge" learning rate annealing that describes when the learning rate will begin slowing down, provide 0 to not use annealing

  • regularizationStrength

    The constant factor for regularization

  • momentumFactor

    The constant factor for simple momentum (adds a fraction of the previous weight update)

  • maxIters

    The number of epochs to run the optimization algorithm for

  • shuffle

    If non-zero, will shuffle the data in between epochs (recommended)

  • verbose

    If non-zero, will print loss every 100 epochs

void optimize(ParameterSet params);
  • params

    The set of parameters to use when optimizing


Passes matrix input through a network, storing output in the network's last layer

void forwardPass(Network* network, Matrix* input);
  • network

    The network to use

  • input

    The data to pass through the network


Passes dataset input through a network, storing output in the network's last layer

void forwardPassDataSet(Network* network, DataSet* input);
  • network

    The network to use

  • input

    The data to pass through the network


Returns the output in the last layer of a network (after using forwardPass)

Matrix* getOuput(Network* network);
  • network

    The network to use


Returns an int* containing the indices of the predicted classes in the order they were given

int* predict(Network* network);
  • network

    The network to use


Returns a float representing the network's accuracy on the provided data's predictions

float accuracy(Network* network, DataSet* data, DataSet* classes)
  • network

    The network to use

  • data

    The data to test on

  • classes

    The target data to test accuracy against

Serialization Functions


Saves a network and all of its configuration details to a file

void saveNetwork(Network* network, char* path);
  • network

    The network to save

  • path

    The file path to where the network is to be saved


Returns a network created from the serialization of a previous network

Network* readNetwork(char* path);
  • path

    The file path to where the network had been saved